
Lengua castellana - [26608]

Curso: 2016-2017

Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza

Titulación: Magisterio en Educación Primaria

Idioma: Español

Profesor(es): Saura Rami, José Antonio ; Navarro Estebanell, Manuela ; Vázquez Obrador, Jesús ; Romo Argota, María Dolores ; Losantos Salvador, Antonio

Resumen: Breve presentación de la asignatura Con esta asignatura se pretende que el estudiante comprenda los principios básicos de las ciencias del lenguaje y la comunicación y que  adquiera  una información y formación cualitativa y descriptiva de la Lengua española en sus diferentes niveles. Se espera que los alumnos  comprendan el valor formativo y cultural de la lengua española en el contexto educativo en el que se produce su enseñanza-aprendizaje.   Programa de la asignatura 1) Las unidades lingüísticas con contenido (por oposición a las de una sola cara o fonemas): morfema, palabra, frase o sintagma, oración, etc. (problemas de denominación y de determinación de unidades). 2) Las categorías gramaticales: sustantivo, adjetivo, pronombre, verbo, etc. 3) La oración como unidad fundamental del análisis gramatical. 4) La oración simple y la oración compleja o compuesta.                          

Abstract: Brief presentation of the subject   The objective of this subject is for students to understand the basic principles of the language and communication sciences and to gain qualitative and descriptive knowledge and training concerning the Spanish language at its various levels.  It is expected that students will understand the educational and cultural value of the Spanish language in the educational context in which its teaching/learning takes place.    Syllabus of the subject   1) Linguistic units with content (as opposed to those of one dimension or phoneme): morphemes, words, phrases or syntagmas, sentences, etc. (problems concerning the naming or determination of units). 1.a The morphological level. Flexive morphology. Introduction to lexical morphology. 1.b The syntactic level. The concept of phrase, clause and sentence. The concept of utterance.   2) Grammatical categories: noun, adjective, pronoun, verb, etc. 2.a Nouns and personal pronouns. Similarities and differences. 2.b Descriptive and limiting adjectives. Similarities and differences. 2.c Verbs. Verbal categories and the importance of the verb as the nucleus of the sentence. 2.d Adverbs. Classes and types of adverbs. 2.e Relational elements. Prepositions and conjunctions.   3) The sentence as the fundamental unit of grammatical analysis. The primary functions within the simple sentence. Subject, direct complement, prepositional object, adverbials, attributes, etc.   4) The simple sentence and the complex or compound sentence. 4.a The simple sentence. Sentence schemes. Classes of simple sentences. 4.b The so-called compound sentence (I). Sentence groups. (Coordinated and juxtaposed sentences). 4.c The complex sentence (II): nominal subordinate clauses, adjective subordinate clauses and adverbial subordinate clauses: of time, place and manner. 4.d The so-called compound sentence (III). The so-called "improper" adverbial subordinates: conditional and concessive; causal and final; result and comparative.      

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