
Resources for EFL in infant school - [26563]

Curso: 2016-2017

Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza

Titulación: Magisterio en Educación Infantil

Idioma: Español

Profesor(es): Benítez Castro, Miguel Ángel ; Yebra Pertusa, Jose Maria

Resumen: Breve presentación de la asignatura El objetivo de esta asignatura es dotar a los alumnos de los conocimientos y competencias necesarias para el análisis, evaluación, adaptación y creación de una amplia gama de recursos y materiales didácticos para el aprendizaje del inglés, priorizando las actividades que permitan un aprendizaje integrado y globalizado de las demás áreas curriculares. Asimismo, en coordinación con otras asignaturas de la mención, se pretende que los alumnos desarrollen las habilidades necesarias para la adecuada organización e implementación de esos materiales y recursos didácticos en el aula de infantil. Se trata por tanto de una asignatura de carácter eminentemente práctico en la que los alumnos examinarán, analizarán y crearán materiales y recursos para la enseñanza del inglés en Educación Infantil. Programa de la asignatura La planificación de los contenidos y actividades de aprendizaje se estructurará alrededor de las diferentes áreas del currículo de Educación Infantil, con el fin de que el alumno sea capaz de desarrollar las competencias necesarias para facilitar un aprendizaje comunicativo y globalizado de la lengua extranjera (inglés) y de las áreas curriculares correspondientes a esa etapa educativa. El desarrollo de actividades será coherente con los principios generales que rigen el aprendizaje comunicativo, así como con los principios de la enseñanza bilingüe, que se revisarán brevemente en la primera unidad del programa. Asimismo, en el desarrollo de las actividades relacionadas con las diferentes áreas de contenido trataremos de respetar y ejemplificar el principio de globalidad establecido en el Currículo de Educación Infantil. El programa de la asignatura constará de 4 unidades de contenido: Unit 1. The communicative approach and CLIL: principles for the design and the implementation of teaching resources. Unit 2. Principles of language use in early childhood. 2.1. Listening and speaking: comprehensible input, TPR and classroom interaction.  2.2. Reading and writing: teaching phonics. Unit 3. Language and artistic expression. Principles, resources and techniques: 3.1 Children’s literature: Storytelling  3.2 Music: Using rhymes and songs 3.3 Drama and action games 3.4 Communicative activities in Arts and Crafts                Unit 4. Children and their environment. Principles, resources and techniques:  4.1 Learning about the body and about themselves. Daily habits and routines. Healthy habits.  4.2 Science and Maths. Learning scientific and mathematical concepts: numeration, measures, space, time, chance, ordering and patterning. Using experiments.  4.3 Culture and history. Learning about English speaking countries, different cultures and festivities.

Abstract: The main goal of this subject consists of providing the students with the necessary knowledge and competencies to analyse, evaluate, adapt and create a good range of didactic resources and materials aimed at the learning of English, emphasising those activities that promote the acquisition of both the second language and the content of the diverse curricular areas in a globalised way.In the same way, in parallel to the other subjects of the speciality, students are expected to develop the necessary skills for the adequate organisation and implementation of these materials and didactic resources in the Infant Education classroom.Thus, this subject is mainly practical since students will examine, analyse and create materials and resources for the teaching of English in the stage of Infant Education   Program The programme will be structured around the different areas within the curriculum of Infant Education so that the students may be able to develop the necessary competences to foster a communicative and globalised learning of the foreign language (English) as well as the different curricular areas in this educative stage.The development of the activities will follow the general principles that rule the communicative and bilingual approach, which will be revised in the first part of the syllabus. In the same way, the activities related to the diverse curricular areas will respect and exemplify the totalising and globalising principles that lie behind the curriculum of Infant Education.   SyllabusUnit 1. The communicative approach and CLIL: principles for the design and the implementation of teaching resources.Unit 2. Principles of language use in early childhood.2.1. Listening and speaking: comprehensible input, TPR and classroom interaction.2.2. Reading and writing: teaching phonics.Unit 3. Language and artistic expression. Principles, resources and techniques:3.1 Children’s literature: Storytelling3.2 Music: Using rhymes and songs3.3 Drama and action games3.4 Communicative activities in Arts and CraftsUnit 4. Children and their environment. Principles, resources and techniques:4.1 Learning about the body and about themselves. Daily habits and routines. Healthy habits.4.2 Science and Maths. Learning scientific and mathematical concepts: numeration, measures, space, time, chance, ordering and patterning. Using experiments.4.3 Culture and history. Learning about English speaking countries, different cultures and festivities.4.4. The use of ICTs

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