
Valoración del grado de ansiedad del paciente sometido a cirugía programada

Martín Fañanás, Maria Amparo
Hernández Torres, Antonio (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, ENFTER, 2012

Graduado en Enfermería

Abstract: La ansiedad es una respuesta emocional, un sentimiento de miedo o desasosiego y preocupación que la persona experimenta ante diferentes situaciones. La cirugía es un componente estresor importante ante la cual la persona experimenta una sensación de ansiedad. El estudio realizado es de tipo descriptivo transversal y tiene como objetivo general conocer el nivel de ansiedad depresión de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía programada, evaluando la respuesta somática, la dimensión ansiógena e identificando los factores predisponentes. La población estudio fue de 24 pacientes del Hospital Obispo Polanco de Teruel de la planta de cirugía a través de unas encuestas el día anterior a la intervención. Los resultados fueron bastante concluyentes en unos casos, con respecto al sexo se vio que las mujeres tenían mayor grado de ansiedad que los hombres, que a mayor edad de los pacientes menor era el nivel de ansiedad, que a menor nivel cultural menor grado de ansiedad, que ante la aproximación de la intervención quirúrgica aumentaban los niveles de ansiedad y que el factor predisponente que más preocupa son los resultados de la intervención. Estos confirmaron que la respuesta somática previa a la intervención estaba dentro de los valores normales. Este estudio nos orienta sobre los aspectos que más preocupan a los pacientes para poder actuar desde una perspectiva biopsicosocial y poder disminuir el grado de ansiedad. Anxiety is an emotional response; it is a feeling of fear, restlessness and worry which a person experiments in different situations. Surgery is an important stressful situation where a person experiences a sensation of anxiety. The study which was carried out is a type known as observational descriptive transversal and whose main objective was to know the level of anxiety depression patients suffer when they are subjected to a scheduled operation assessing the psychosomatic response, the anxiety dimension and identifying the predisposing factors. The sample group which consisted of 24 patients from the Obispo Polanco Hospital in Teruel, all of whom were patients in the surgery ward, was given a survey the day before their surgical operation. The results were quite conclusive in some cases, they showed that women had a greater amount of anxiety than men; the older patients the lower the level of anxiety; the lower their cultural level the lower their anxiety level; as the patients got closer in time to their surgical operation the levels of anxiety rose and the most predisposing factor which worried then most was the outcome. The results confirmed that the psychosomatic response previous to the surgical operation was within the normal values. This study gives us some type of orientation about the aspects which worries patients most so that we can act from biopsychosocial perspective and decrease the level of anxiety. Anxiety is an emotional response; it is a feeling of fear, restlessness and worry which a person experiments in different situations. Surgery is an important stressful situation where a person experiences a sensation of anxiety. The study which was carried out is a type known as observational descriptive transversal and whose main objective was to know the level of anxiety depression patients suffer when they are subjected to a scheduled operation assessing the psychosomatic response, the anxiety dimension and identifying the predisposing factors. The sample group which consisted of 24 patients from the Obispo Polanco Hospital in Teruel, all of whom were patients in the surgery ward, was given a survey the day before their surgical operation. The results were quite conclusive in some cases, they showed that women had a greater amount of anxiety than men; the older patients the lower the level of anxiety; the lower their cultural level the lower their anxiety level; as the patients got closer in time to their surgical operation the levels of anxiety rose and the most predisposing factor which worried then most was the outcome. The results confirmed that the psychosomatic response previous to the surgical operation was within the normal values. This study gives us some type of orientation about the aspects which worries patients most so that we can act from biopsychosocial perspective and decrease the level of anxiety.

Free keyword(s): ansiedad ; cirugía programada ; respuesta somática ; dimensión ansiógena ; factores predisponentes ; perspectiva biopsicosocial
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: Resumen disponible también en inglés

Creative Commons License

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Academic Works > Trabajos Académicos por Centro > escuela-universitaria-de-enfermeria-de-teruel
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