Resumen: Abstract ICBB17-12:
Nowadays, due to its importance for human survival, tissue andorgans regeneration have received a high attention of the scientificcommunity. For the development of this field, understanding the cellbehavior is essential forin-vivotissue and organs regeneration. Cellbehavior can be controlledin-vitro, among other stimuli, by changingthe extracellular matrix mechanical properties, applying externalforces and/or electrical field. Controlling these stimuliin-vivois nottrivial. Therefore, in this work, to remotely control the local cellenvironment, we consider a microsphere of cell size that is fabricatedfrom a piezoelectric material and charged with nanomagnetic parti-cles. This microsphere is integrated within an extracellular matrix, insuch a way, through an external magnetic field, internal forces canbe generated within the microsphere. As a result, a stiffness gradientas well as an electric field are generated around the microsphere.These cues can be controlled externally by changing the magneticfield intensity... Idioma: Inglés Año: 2018 Publicado en: Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology 122, Supp. 1 (2018), 6 ISSN: 1742-7835 Originalmente disponible en: Texto completo de la revista