author = "Gros Alcalde, Mónica and Gros Bañeres; María Belén",
title = "{Estudio evolutivo (2006-2012) de los hábitos
cardiosaludables y factores de riesgo en una población
year = "2017",
note = "Entrega de la memoria en el departamento de Medicina,
psiquiatría y dermatología de la Facultad de Medicina de
la Universidad de Zaragoza. Resumen disponible también en
inglés: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main
worldwide cause of death, In 2013 WHO established the
"Global Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of
Non communicable Diseases 2013-2020". The aim is to reduce
by 2025 the number of deaths associated with non
communicable diseases by 25%, focusing specially on CVD.
Acting on behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use,
unhealthy diets and obesity, physical inactivity or harmful
alcohol consumption, can prevent most CVDs using strategies
that span the entire population. We carried out a
prospective, descriptive and evolutionary study of risk
factors and health habits in Veterinary Degree students of
the University of Zaragoza during the years 2006-2012,
carrying out a comparative analysis by sex and autonomous
communities. Significant differences were observed in BMI
degrees in the different sex, with a predominance of women
in low weight and men in overweight cases (p <0.001). In
the evolution over the years we found some significant
differences in the different risk factors, as from 2009
there was a clear decrease in smokers higher than 10
cigarettes day (p = 0.04) as well as a clear decrease of
women with excessive alcohol consumption (p = 0.018). It
was also found a significant increase in the median daily
fruit intake from 2009 (p = 0.012) and a notable decrease
in the percentage of prehypertensive and hypertensive
subjects in the last 3 years of the study (p = 0.015), from
around 50 % To 26%. In the comparative analysis by
different sex and autonomous communities, the predominance
of cardiovascular risk factors in men is significant,
except for the percentage of smokers, On the other hand
Andalusia is the community with the highest percentage of
almost all risk factors, although differences were only
significant in the daily consumption of fruit and