Accueil > articulos > Modulation of antioxidant potential with coenzyme Q10 suppressed invasion of temozolomide-resistant rat glioma in vitro and in vivo > BibTeX |
@article{Buric:79010, author = "Buric, S.S. and Podolski-Renic, A. and Dinic, J. and Stankovic, T. and Jovanovic, M. and Hadžic, S. and Ayuso, J.M. and Virumbrales-Muñoz, M. and Fernández, L.J. and Ochoa, I. and Pérez-García, V.M. and Pešic, M.", title = "{Modulation of antioxidant potential with coenzyme Q10 suppressed invasion of temozolomide-resistant rat glioma in vitro and in vivo}", year = "2019", }