@article{Puig-Gay:84677, author = "Puig-Gay, N. and Jacobs-Cacha, C. and Sellarès, J. and Guirado, L. and González Roncero, F. and Jiménez, C. and Zárraga, S. and Paul, J. and Lauzurica, R. and Alonso, Á. and Fernández, A. and Beneyto, I. and Mazuecos, A. and Hernández, D. and Rodriguez-Benot, A. and Franco, A. and Jimeno, L. and Crespo, M. and Meseguer, A. and Moreso, F. and Seron, D. and Lopez-Hellin, J. and Cantarell, C.", title = "{Apolipoprotein A-Ib as a biomarker of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis recurrence after kidney transplantation: diagnostic performance and assessment of its prognostic value – a multi-centre cohort study}", year = "2018", }