
English-Spanish translation: strategies for solving translation problems of a cultural or linguistic nature.

Sala Fernández, Cristina
Guillén Galve, Ignacio (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2019

Graduado en Estudios Ingleses

Resumen: This dissertation focuses on the analysis of specific aspects of translation: the translation of cultural and linguistic elements. For the purpose of illustrating those theoretical aspects, a corpus of analysis has been used. The corpus that has been selected is a sitcom: Modern Family, which provides many examples in which a translation of cultural or linguistic elements is needed. The dissertation provides an introduction to audiovisual translation, since the corpus of analysis belongs to this field of translation. It is followed by the presentation of three theoretical aspects that play a significant role in the translation of humour in audiovisual texts: cultural elements, the visual element and wordplay. The final part of the paper focuses on the analysis of the translation of several scenes extracted from the corpus and on the proposal of improved translations for those scenes. The main aim of the dissertation is to prove that linguistic and cultural elements play a crucial role in the creation of humour in audiovisual texts and to provide the reader with useful strategies in order to obtain a successful result when translating them.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado

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