
Principales barreras en la práctica de actividad física con adultos del medio rural.

Piquer Cebrián, María
Generelo Lanapsa, Eduardo (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FCSHUES, 2019
Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal department, Didáctica de la Expresión Corporal area

Graduado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

Abstract: At present, the majority of the population knows the importance of physical activity for health, with the benefits that this entails. Despite this, there are many people who do not practice or do not reach the recommended daily values. The object of the study is to find out what are the barriers that adults in rural areas, specifically in Torralba de los Sisones (Teruel) have for the practice of physical activity. It seeks to know the activity they practice, the reasons that lead them to practice and those that lead them to be inactive, the type of habits they have and the importance of the shire in all this (both at the level of organization, as of activities offered, monitors and promotion strategies). Men and women are investigated, as well as the perspective that several external agents of the sports area of the Jiloca region have to carry it out, the group discussion is used as a tool to gather information, once this is done, the transcription is carried out and analyzed. The results reflect that there are no barriers of any kind that prevent the practice of physical activity, that the element that impedes practice is laziness and that there are no strategies to promote, encourage and create adherence among adults in rural areas. Despite there being no barriers, the adult population does not reach the recommended levels of practice, therefore, it is necessary to continue researching to find strategies that can encourage the population of the need to perform physical practice and thus increase the level of activity of each adult and the number of participants in the activities offered by the Comarca. Key words: adults, barriers, gender, physical activity and rural environment.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado

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