
Herramientas de gestión para la web 2.0: análisis y comparación

García Lozano, Lorena
Tramullas Saz, Jesús (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2012
Ciencias de la Documentación e Historia de la Ciencia department, Biblioteconomía y Documentación area

Graduado en Información y Documentación

Free keyword(s): Web 2.0 ; Redes sociales ; Difusión ; Información ; TweetDeck ; HootSuite ; Sobees ; Seesmic
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: The peak of 2.0 web has had an impact on librarians and documentalist work, opening new comunication and interaction channel with their users. Attention must be payed to this new channels and occasionally mean a huge information quantity to administer duly. In order to facilitate this task, there are 2.0 web management tools that allow to make this work easier. This paper analyzes four of them making a comparative analysis of their features. For this, an analysis grid has been designed with the ideal features this tools should have. The results show there are important differences between them what takes to choose the tool more suitable for an information centre.

Creative Commons License

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