Accueil > articulos > Free sugar consumption and obesity in European adolescents: The HELENA study > BibTeX |
@article{Flieh:97443, author = "Flieh, S.M. and Moreno, L.A. and Miguel-Berges, M.L. and Stehle, P. and Marcos, A. and Molnár, D. and Widhalm, K. and Béghin, L. and De Henauw, S. and Kafatos, A. and Leclercq, C. and Gonzalez-Gross, M. and Dallongeville, J. and Molina-Hidalgo, C. and González-Gil, E.M.", title = "{Free sugar consumption and obesity in European adolescents: The HELENA study}", year = "2020", }