      author        = "Soares, P. and Vives-Cases, C. and Clemente-Gómez, V. and
                       Ortiz-Moncada, R. and Lobo-Escolar, E. and de Jauregui,
                       D.R.F. and Arija, V. and Zapata-Moya, Á.R. and
                       Davó-Blanes, M.C. and Group, of, participants, in, the,
                       Fifth, Meeting, of, University, Public, Health, Professors,
                       of, the, Degree, in, Human, Nutrition, and, Dietetics",
      title         = "{Professional competencies and public health content in
                       the human nutrition and dietetics degree program: A
                       qualitative study based on experts'' consensus}",
      year          = "2021",