Página principal > “El poder de los introvertidos”: lidiar con la introversión en el aula de inglés a través de la comunicación y aprendizaje cooperativo
“El poder de los introvertidos”: lidiar con la introversión en el aula de inglés a través de la comunicación y aprendizaje cooperativo
Resumen: During my practice period in a High School in the outskirts of Zaragoza, I noticed that there was a high level of introverted students who struggled to participate in oral activities. The following dissertation has the objective to increase verbal engagement of introverted learners in the English classroom while covering their needs. For that, cooperative learning and the use of technologies will play an important role to motivate these students to speak up within a safe environment. I also took as a reference the guidelines provided by the Aragonese Curriculum (ORDEN ECD/489/2016, 26th may). This unit proposal, following the sequence of the Project-Based-Language-Learning approach, deals with the importance of self-awareness to be aware of one’s introverted or extroverted personality and analyse and express one’ emotions and preferences as a consequence of our personality. Accordingly, they will enhance their empathy and tolerance through exchanging opinions and stances with their classmates. By building self awareness skills, students will adapt their lifestyle to their actual needs, having a positive impact in their learning process. To carry out the activities with success, I have made use of a wide range of scaffolding techniques and teaching strategies that will serve to guide their learning, to boost thinking before sharing and to develop their communicative competence within a comfortable atmosphere.