Página principal > El enfoque de lengua franca como incentivo motivacional para los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Un cuasi experimento con estudiantes de un instituto aragonés.
El enfoque de lengua franca como incentivo motivacional para los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Un cuasi experimento con estudiantes de un instituto aragonés.
Resumen: In the current context of worldwide globalisation, English has become the lingua franca for international communication. Such role of the language encompasses most of the interaction in English in which students of it as a Foreign Language (EFL) will participate in the real world but, on the contrary, that phenomenon is underrepresented (if at all considered) in the English Language Teaching materials used in Aragon at Bachillerato level. With the aim of providing further arguments to support an approach based on English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) as the basis for EFL syllabi, the hereby described research has investigated on how it affects students’ motivation towards learning English. After analysing the used materials used in two 1st of Bachillerato classes in a high-school in Zaragoza, and confirming their incompatibility with the ELF phenomenon, a compatible learning unit was designed and implemented. Before and after the implementation, respective questionnaires were run, where students were asked on diverse motivational components. The results showed a consistent improvement both in general and in specific aspects of students’ motivation. Despite the impossibility of generalising those findings fully, they confirm the need of including ELF-oriented materials in the EFL syllabi, which could in addition fit perfectly in the curricular framework involved.