2024-07-31 09:30 |
Fröhlich model characterization of magnetic properties of the induction heating load
Lahuerta, Óscar ; Ortega, José ; Carretero, Claudio ; Martínez, Juan Pablo ; Acero, Jesús
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2024-03-01 15:02 |
Comparative evaluation of different cables for magnetic couplers in inductive power transfer systems
Acero, Jesús ; Lope, Ignacio ; Carretero, Claudio ; Sarnago, Héctor ; Burdío, José Miguel
- [IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 60, 2 (2023), 3459-3471- ISSN: 0093-9994]
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2024-02-05 16:04 |
Characterization, modeling, experimental validation and dielectric properties studies of a ternary composite (RE-BaTiO3-SiO2) using time domain spectroscopy
Brahimi, Abdelhalim ; Bourouba, Nacerdine ; Delfouf, Rabah ; Martinez Jiménez, Juan Pablo ; Bouzit, Nacerdine
- [Asian journal of research in chemistry 16, 2 (2023), 139-148- ISSN: 0974-4169]
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2024-02-02 14:56 |
Induction Heating Adaptation of a Different-Sized Load with Matching Secondary Inductor to Achieve Uniform Heating and Enhance Vertical Displacement
Plumed, Emilio ; Lope, Ignacio ; Acero, Jesús
- [IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36, 6 (2021), 6929-6942- ISSN: 0885-8993]
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2024-02-02 14:56 |
Magnetizable Concrete Flux Concentrators for Wireless Inductive Power Transfer Applications
Carretero, Claudio ; Lope, Ignacio ; Acero, Jesús
- [IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8, 3 (2020), 2696-2706- ISSN: 2168-6777]
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2024-02-02 14:56 |
Non-planar overlapped inductors applied to domestic induction heating appliances
Serrano, Javier ; Lope, Ignacio ; Acero, Jesús
- [IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66, 9 (2019), 6916 - 6924- ISSN: 0278-0046]
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2023-07-28 11:57 |
An integrated pump-controlled variable coupler fabricated by ultrafast laser writing
Benedicto, David ; Martín, Juan C. ; Dias-Ponte, Antonio ; Solis, Javier ; Vallés, Juan A.
- [Micromachines 14, 7 (2023), 1370 [10 pp.]- ISSN: 2072-666X]
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2023-03-23 12:57 |
Printed circuit board coils of multi-track litz structure for 3.3 kW inductive power transfer system
Narvaez, Alexis ; Carretero, Claudio ; Lope, Ignacio ; Acero, Jesús
- [IEEE transactions on transportation electrification 9, 3 (2023), 3947-3957- ISSN: 2577-4212]
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2023-03-13 13:58 |
Guiding losses estimation in hydrogel-based waveguides
Pons, Carolina ; Galindo, Josué M. ; Martín, Juan Carlos ; Torres-Moya, Iván ; Merino, Sonia ; Herrero, María Antonia ; Vázquez, Ester ; Prieto, Pilar ; Vallés, Juan Antonio
- [Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2407 (2022), 012032 [8 pp.]- ISSN: 1742-6588]
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2023-03-13 13:58 |
Coupled two-core integrated waveguides modal analysis
Benedicto, David ; Collados, M. Victoria ; Martín, Juan C. ; Atencia, Jesús ; Vallés, Juan A.
- [Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2407, 1 (2022), 012016 [10 pp.]- ISSN: 1742-6588]
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