      author        = "Samara, Elefthería and Ibarretxe Antuñano, Iraide",
      title         = "{Maniobras lingüísticas en dos espacios de ficción
                       analisis constrastivo español/griego}",
      year          = "2013",
      note          = "Motion is one of the fundamental concepts in human life.
                       In this work we compare spanish and modern greek with
                       respect to expression of movement. We adopt the viewpoint
                       on the semantic typology of Leonard Talmy (1991, 2000)
                       according to which languages in the world are classified in
                       two categories: Verb-framed languages and Satellite-framed
                       languages. The criterion for this classification is which
                       semantic component is lexicalized in the principal verb of
                       a motion event; that of the Path or the Manner of motion.
                       Similarly, we depart from the hypothesis of thinking for
                       speaking of Dan Slobin (1996, 1997, 2003) and from the
                       research that followed it. After performing an analysis
                       based in the corpus of motion events extracted from two
                       novels written in spanish and modern greek and their
                       respective translations in both languages we intend to
                       discern future investigation paths.",