
Revisión de la Literatura de Plataformas: Integración con las Plataformas Complementadas por Humanos y Posibles Avenidas

Lope Ruiz, Eduardo
Maícas López, Juan (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, ECON, 2022
Departamento de Dirección y Organización de Empresas, Área de Organización de Empresas

Máster Universitario en Dirección, Estrategia y Markéting

Resumen: The aim of this dissertation is to perform a profound literature review on platform competition through a systematic analysis of the main tendencies, characteristics and topics that have been addressed historically. In order to do so, the literature review will examine aspects such as the types of platforms, the research interest around them, the main concerns and the key themes addressed throughout the past years. The present study also has the objective of examining the role of the newly proposed concept of “human-complemented platforms” through the example of Twitch, integrating this way the current digital context with the platform competition research themes. Afterwards, the predicted future of platform research is briefly studied, preceding the conclusion of this paper. The theoretical findings point towards the relevance of complementors (and content creators) in the platform ecosystem and, most importantly, towards the need for an efficient platform management that benefits all market participants.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: Resumen disponible también en español

Creative Commons License

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Trabajos académicos > Trabajos Académicos por Centro > Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Trabajos académicos > Trabajos fin de máster

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