
Analysis of gender equality policies on the boards of directors of national sports federations: An exploratory analysis: survey report; 1ª ed.

Esteban Salvador, María Luisa (coord.) ; Güngör Göksu, Gonca ; Fernandes,Emilia ; Di Cimbrini, Tiziana ; Jones, Rachael

Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza Teruel
ISBN: 978-84-18321-57-3

Abstract: This study analyses the gender equality policies on the national sports federation (NSFs) boards in five European countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain,Turkey and the United Kingdom. It aims to identify the nature of gender relations inside the NSFs and the gender policies adopted by the governing sports boards related to gender diversity. Therefore, an online questionnaire, including 41 questions some of which were inspired by the four gender di-mensions according to the model of Connell (2002) -production relations, power relations, emotional relations, and symbolic dimensions -were applied to the members of all sports boards in the NSFs between May 2021 and Mars 2022. The questionnaire comprised a set of questions about gender policies adopted by the NSF and a final question about the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on gender discrimination. The descriptive analysis of data showed an increased awareness of gender issues among the directors of the NSFs. Most of them recognized the relevance of gender and diversity policies and the need to implement in their organizations. Namely in what concerns to bring women to the sports boards. However, most of them also considered that women directors continue to be less influential than their male colleagues in all management sectors of the board, which continue to be perceived as segregated by gender.

Nota: "The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".

DOI: 10.26754/uz.978-84-18321-57-3

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 Record created 2022-09-28, last modified 2023-06-22

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