
La forja de una cultura política: el incipiente progresismo 1834 -1837

Aquillué Domínguez, Daniel
Frías Corredor, Carmen (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2013
Historia Moderna y Contemporánea department, Historia Contemporánea area

Máster Universitario en Historia Contemporánea

Free keyword(s): progresismo ; cultura política ; liberalismo posrevolucionario ; revolución liberal ; primera guerra carlista ; constitución de 1837 ; regencia maría cristina ; símbolos y mitos progresistas
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: ABSTRACT: It was after the approval of the Spanish Constitution of 1837 that the progressive political culture was clearly shown. However, this political ideology was built up during the previous years: different from both the Doceañistas and the Moderates, they created their own symbolic universe with their particular views on the past and the present as well as a socio-political project for the nation they expected to represent. This political culture was created in the context of a civil war and several revolutionary processes in Spain and the settling of the post-revolutionary liberalism in Europe. All this can be glimpsed through primary and secondary sources, and that is indeed what I put forward as the subject of my research in the present project. KEYWORDS: Progressism, political culture, post-revolutionary liberalism, liberal revolution, first carlista war, Constitution of 1837, María Cristina regency, progressist symbolic universe.

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