Influencia del sexo en el grado de funcionalidad de las personas con Parálisis Cerebral
Resumen: Objetivo principal: Analizar las diferencias entre sexos en el grado de funcionalidad (según el Índice de Barthel) en personas con Parálisis Cerebral.
Metodología: Los datos analizados proceden de un estudio descriptivo transversal sobre una muestra de 42 sujetos (21 hombres y 21 mujeres) con Parálisis Cerebral, capacidad de comunicación, C.I. no inferior a 25, y edad igual o superior a 12 años.
Resultados principales: La puntuación media del Índice de Barthel de la muestra analizada fue de 46.31 puntos. Los hombres obtuvieron una media de 55.71 puntos, mientras que en las mujeres fue de 36.90. Las diferencias entre ambos sexos no fueron estadísticamente significativas (p = 0,086).
Conclusión principal: La puntuación media de la muestra corresponde a un nivel de dependencia Moderado, obteniendo el grupo de mujeres una media más baja y por tanto mayor dependencia. Las diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas.

Background: Cerebral Palsy is one of the most common pathologies with neurologic affectation at childhood. One of the main characteristics of this pathology is that it is not progressive, and it is described as a combination of motor development, postural, sensorial and/or mental disorders. The purpose of this pilot study was to analyse the differences related to functional capacity between women and men (according to the Barthel Index) who suffer from Cerebral Palsy. Methods: The analysed data comes from a cross-sectional study of a sample composed by 42 subjects (21 men and 21 women) diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, with communication capacity (oral, written or alternative) an I.Q. over or equal to 25, and an age of 12 or more years. The data was gathered from January of 2013 until April of 2014, in some Associations and Schools for Special Education of Aragón and Mallorca (Spain). All data was treated with IBM® SPSS® Statistics v.20.0. Results: The average score of the Barthel Index in the analysed sample was 46.31 points, corresponding to a moderate dependency level. The average score in men was 55.71 points (moderate dependency level), whereas that of women was 36.90 (severe dependency). However, if we analyse the data statistically, we can see that there are no reasons to think that the distribution of the level of functional dependency in the population is different from male to female (p 0,086). Conclusion: The average sample score corresponds to a moderate dependency level, different between men and women, this last group obtaining a lower average and therefore greater dependency. But if we make a statistical inference about the population we can observe that there is no significant difference in the level of functionality between both genders.

Idioma: Español
Año: 2014
Publicado en: Paraninfo Digital 21 (2014), 086 [6 pp.]
ISSN: 1988-3439

Originalmente disponible en: Texto completo de la revista

Tipo y forma: Congress (Published version)
Área (Departamento): Área Enfermería (Dpto. Fisiatría y Enfermería)

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