      author        = "Zapata-García, María and Moratiel-Pellitero, Alba and
                       Isla, Dolores and Gálvez, Eva and Gascón-Ruiz, Marta and
                       Sesma, Andrea and Barbero, Raquel and Galeano, Javier and
                       del Campo, Rosa and Ocáriz, Maitane and Quílez, Elisa and
                       Cruellas, Mara and Ramírez-Labrada, Ariel and Pardo,
                       Julián and Martínez-Lostao, Luis and Domingo, María
                       Pilar and Esteban, Patricia and Torres-Ramón, Irene and
                       Yubero, Alfonso and Paño, José Ramón and Lastra,
      title         = "{Impact of antibiotics, corticosteroids, and microbiota on
                       immunotherapy efficacy in patients with non-small cell lung
      year          = "2024",