Is my balance disorder patient improving with this rehabilitation treatment? Rapid stabilometric platform test
Resumen: The aim of the present study is to compare the use and results of a rapid stabilometric platform test with traditional clinical scales to assess the individual clinical evolution of heterogeneous patients with balance disorders during rehabilitation treatment. The 67 participating vertigo patients underwent two assessment sessions, one before starting rehabilitation treatment and one after starting treatment. In each session, six static balance assessment tests with the stabilometric platform were accomplished. Then, the centre of pressure (COP) measured by the device, was processed using the MCQ-Balance method, that transforms the signal into clinical interpretable results. Additionally, in order to compare the results, three medical diagnostic tests were conducted and a methodical flag system to classify their results was proposed. The agreement rises until 85.71% with a contingency coefficient of 0.751 and a Kappa of 0.775. The platform showed a sensitivity of 100% with a specificity of 72.99%. Furthermore, it was not found false negatives in the platform. The stabilometric platform provided valuable assistance in the diagnosis of the evolution of balance pathology, involving less time and uncertainty than traditional tests.
Idioma: Inglés
DOI: 10.52152/D11173
Año: 2024
Publicado en: Dyna (Bilbao) 99, 5 (2024), 475-480
ISSN: 0012-7361

Tipo y forma: Article (Published version)
Área (Departamento): Área Educación Física y Depor. (Dpto. Fisiatría y Enfermería)
Área (Departamento): Área Proyectos de Ingeniería (Dpto. Ingeniería Diseño Fabri.)

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Fecha de embargo : 2025-01-31
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