
La arquitectura como base para la adquisición de conceptos de Expresión Plástica y Visual en Educación Primaria

Marí Armelles, Rosa Elena
Perpiñán Sánchez, Luis (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FCSH, 2014
Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal department, Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica area

Graduado en Maestro Educación Primaria

Free keyword(s): educación plástica y visual ; carencias formativas ; dificultades de aprendizaje ; arquitectura ; construcción ; innovación
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: Even though learnings coming from Plastic and Visual Arts in Primary Educations are essen-tial for the following stages, nowadays this subject is losing its social prestige due to the poor acquisition of contents in the early ages. This lack of contents acquisition may have the origin in the absence of teacher’s formation, the student’s difficulty to learn some topics, the scarcity of material resources, and the little motivation shown for this subject learning or the bad ex-position of the contents. This report intends to meet a solution towards these shortages, and it tries to present Architecture as a basic tool for the contents acquisition in Plastic and Visual Arts Education. After analysing the actual situation of the matter, there is a didactics experi-ence posed, which is based on architectural drawing, space analysis, building design and con-struction. These dynamical, manipulative and innovative sessions will be the key for the stu-dent’s development and learning of spatial vision, spatial relations, imagination and creativity.

Creative Commons License

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