
Aplicación del programa de rehabilitación y enriquecimiento PASS (PREP) en alumnos de 4º de Primaria de un centro ordinario

Dehesa Berdiel, Javier
Blasco Serrano, Ana Cristina (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FEDU, 2014
Ciencias de la Educación department, Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educ. area

Graduado en Maestro Educación Primaria

Free keyword(s): lectura ; aprendizaje dialógico ; interacción entre iguales ; prep ; atención ; planificación ; metacognición ; habilidades comunicativas
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: This intervention Project, called "The PREP in your classroom", was carried out with a group of four fourth grade students at a Primary School in the town of Zaragoza. The aim of the intervention project is based on two ideas. Firstly, comprehensión and problem solving, tasks through dialogic learning and, secondly, communicative interaction among equals. The main resource of this proyect has been the PREP program, whose baseline proposition is perceive learning difficulties in children who have already acquired the ability to read. The main methodology used to implement this program in the classroom was cooperative learning. This concept has to be understood as a wide range of tools needed to build knowledge through mediation between students, faculty, available resources and participatory agents in education. To conclude the start up of the PREP program, this students have improved their Attention, Planning and Metacognition capabilities, and they have developed new Communication Skills. Keywords: Reading, Dialogic learning, peer interaction, PREP, Attention, Planning, Metacognition, Communication Skills.

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