Unburned carbon in ash prediction in pulverized coal utility boilers. Analysis and assessment of operation strategies.

Pallarés Ranz, Javier
Arauzo Pelet, Inmaculada (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, 2008

Abstract: The predictive system developed in this Thesis has the same structure as the so-called combustion kinetics models, however, it obtains the fluid and thermal description through CFD simulations. To solve the handicap of the high computational cost needed to run a CFD simulation, a neural network system is used to reproduce the solutions given by the CFD code. Moreover, a neural network system permits to interpolate in the range of variation used during the training stage, and thus, a predictive system covering the whole operational range of the plant is obtained.

Pal. clave: Unburned carbon ; Coal combustion modelling ; CFD ; Neural networks

Department: Ingeniería Mecánica

Nota: Presentado: 05 02 2008
Nota: Tesis-Univ. Zaragoza


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