
El Huerto Ecológico en Educación Infantil paso a paso

Bestué Marín, Arturo
Díes Álvarez, María Eugenía (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FCHE, 2016
Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales department, Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales area

Graduado en Maestro Educación Infantil

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: The implementation of an educational project, such as a vegetable garden in an Educational Centre, involves challenging forms of training, planning and building. The current document aims to involve all of these sections in the realest way possible, as well as the possibility of a future ongoing project proposed for future years. From a comprehensive point of view, the creation of the ecological vegetable garden has always been focused on the interests and initiative of the students, by conducting the experiment in a familiar context. Furthermore, they have also found that the project contributes to establishing a strong link between the school and the families of the pupils in a fun and dynamic way. Finally, the final outcome is to instill positive and healthy habits in the children which will benefit both the children and the environment in equal measure, which will prove positive for their personal development. On a more global level, throughout the educational field, both parents and teachers could enjoy the shared learning experiences together, which will help to expand the existing links between the family and the school.

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El registro pertenece a las siguientes colecciones:
trabajos-academicos-universidad-zaragoza > centro > facultad-de-ciencias-humanas-y-de-la-educacion-de-huesca
trabajos-academicos-universidad-zaragoza > trabajos-fin-grado

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