
Development of an automatic flight control system

Cortés Concha, Gloria
Zouaoui, Zoubir (dir.)

Montañés Espinosa, Antonio (ponente)

Universidad de Zaragoza, EUITIZ, 2010
Ingeniería Eléctrica department, Ingeniería Eléctrica area

Ingeniero Técnico Industrial (Esp. Electricidad)

Abstract: In the aviation industry, aircraft manufactures are constantly striving to fully understand the essentials required to successfully design an AFCS, based on dynamic response of the aircraft in relation to atmospheric turbulence and structural flexibility. This report is about the analysis of the longitudinal and lateral dynamics stability of an aircraft, based on the data of CHARLIE. Applying Stability Augmentation System (SAS), Attitude and Flight Path Control System. Furthermore, to achieve the control system in a good response it was simulated using Matlab environment.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Proyecto Fin de Carrera
Notas: Trabajo cargado por la Biblioteca Hypatia. Para contactar con el autor utilice 535653@celes.unizar.es

Creative Commons License

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Academic Works > Trabajos Académicos por Centro > escuela-de-ingenieria-tecnica-industrial-de-zaragoza
Academic Works > Final Degree Projects

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