
Determination of UV-filters in sunscreens

Diego Mateo, Francisco de Borja de
Bisgaard, Kathrine (dir.) ; Pedersen, Lene (dir.)

Lanaja del Busto, Francisco Javier (ponente)

Universidad de Zaragoza, EINA, 2011
Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Área de Química Inorgánica

Ingeniero Técnico Industrial (Esp. Química Industrial)

Resumen: The aim of this project is to optimize a HPLC method and sample preparations for detecting common organic UV-filters in 3 different sunscreens. For this purpose, different sunscreens with the same Sun Protection Factor (SPF) were investigated. The pure standards; Octocrylene and Padimate O, are used for a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The optimization is based on a method found in a scientific article and is going to be developed so it can determine and quantify the UV-filters in 3 different sunscreens. It is also want to test the known myth that the sunscreens should be throw away if is the bottle from last season because of the concentration drop of the UV-filters. It is also wanted to make a method validation to investigate have good the method is.

Palabra(s) clave (del autor): cremas solares ; quimica analítica ; hplc ; cosméticos ; inglés
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Proyecto Fin de Carrera
Notas: University of Southern Denmark (Odense)

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