Implicaciones del uso de la realidad virtual en los procesos perceptivos en educación plástica y visual
Resumen: La Realidad Virtual está empezando a jugar un papel clave para comprender la realidad desde parámetros representativos. Este artículo presenta los datos obtenidos en el estudio realizado para comprobar las diferencias perceptivas que se establecen en dos grupos de sujetos cuando estos observan un mismo espacio, bien in situ, bien a través de la realidad virtual inmersiva, dentro de los parámetros teóricos que sitúan la percepción visual en el marco de actividad cognitiva. Así pues, la percepción se entenderá como un proceso complejo y susceptible a diferentes niveles y grados de habilidad perceptiva afectados por las intermediaciones técnicas entre el objeto observado y el sujeto. La mejora en la percepción de cualidades y cantidades de objetos en entornos perceptivos complejos, cuando el sujeto utiliza la realidad virtual inmersiva de debe, entre otros factores, a lo modificación del rol del sujeto que pasa a ser de carácter activo.

Virtual Reality (VR) is playing an increasingly signifcant role in the understanding of reality in terms of representation. Working within the theoretical framework that situates visual perception within the frame of the cognitive activity, this paper presents the data obtained from a study on the perceptual and cognitive
responses of two groups of subjects observing the same space, one in situ, and the other through immersive VR. Thus, the perceptual activity shall be understood as a complex process, responsive to various levels and degrees of perceptual ability, aɣected in turn by the technical mediation between the subject and the observed object. The improved perception of the quantities and qualities of objects in complex perceptual environments when the subject uses immersive VR is due, among other factors, to the variation in the role of the subject, which moves here into an active position.
Virtual Reality (VR) is playing an increasingly signi cant role in the understanding of reality in terms of representation. Working within the theoretical framework that situates visual perception within the frame of the cognitive activity, this paper presents the data obtained from a study on the perceptual and cognitive responses of two groups of subjects observing the same space, one in situ, and the other through immersive VR. Thus, the perceptual activity shall be understood as a complex process, responsive to various levels and degrees of perceptual ability, a ected in turn by the technical mediation between the subject and the observed object. The improved perception of the quantities and qualities of objects in complex perceptual environments when the subject uses immersive VR is due, among other factors, to the variation in the role of the subject, which moves here into an active position.

Idioma: Español
Año: 2019
Publicado en: RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informaçao E20, 5 (2019), 76-86
ISSN: 1646-9895

Originalmente disponible en: Texto completo de la revista

Factor impacto SCIMAGO: 0.145 - Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)

Tipo y forma: Article (Published version)
Área (Departamento): Área Didáctica Expr.Plástica (Dpto. Expres.Music.Plást.Corp.)
Exportado de SIDERAL (2023-10-23-12:23:26)

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