
Políticas activas de la violencia de género

Rodrigo Gil, Carmen
Clemente López, Jesús (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, ECON, 2012
Análisis Económico department, Fundamentos del Análisis Económico area

Máster Universitario en Sociología de las Políticas Públicas y Sociales

Free keyword(s): violencia de género ; ley orgánica de protección integral ; orden de protección ; derechos laborales ; programa de inserción sociolaboral ; asistencia social
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: This essay deals with gender violence and the organizations that help victims as well as with different measures that can be taken in order to facilitate their labor insertion and the financial aid to achieve economics independence. The research is set up by studying and analyzing different laws, essays and magazines. Also, I have interviewed members of different institutions which advise or care for victims of gender violence. All this the data have been collected in Aragon considering different economic aids which have been given. These data come from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and National Institute of Statistic

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