@article{LavillaGutiérrez:86812, author = "Lavilla Gutiérrez, Javier and López Pérez, César", title = "{Prevención del acoso escolar en redes sociales.}", year = "2019", note = "Abstract The prevention of bullying in social networks is one of the new needs that must be addressed by the pedagogical guidance departments. Among the current challenges, peer harassment continues to be present. There has been a transfer of these problems of coexistence to virtual media. The guidance departments have the function of participating in the school's Coexistence Plan, coordinating the appropriate measures to carry out an effective primary prevention that avoids the occurrence of harassment problems, both on-site and online. (ORDER ECD/1003, BOA of June 7, 2018, which determines the actions that contribute to promoting coexistence, equality and the fight against bullying in the educational communities of Aragon.) This TFM aims to achieve the goal of helping to prevent harassment in social networks through an educational innovation program based on a guide to train teachers adequately and sufficiently to better manage situations related to harassment in social networks. The use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) provides innumerable advantages and potentials but also involves risks that must be analyzed and proactively prevented. Key words: school bullying ; formation ; social network ; prevention ; educational guidance Nota: El presente TFM incluye un tablero de juego en formato A2 y fichas de juego modeladas a mano en arcilla polimérica.", }