Abstract: Up to 85% of the amputee patients present Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) after the operation. Although the frequency and intensity of this pain decrease with time, about 5-10% of patients still have severe pain. The outcome of current treatments is insufficient and many times patients abandon rehabilitation due to demotivation. Thus, the overall scope of this work is to design a more effective to carry out the muscular rehabilitation at the same time, keeping the patients engaged during its rehabilitation. For creating engagement through fun, a game-based application is developed. Unity is the program used to program the Augmented Reality application. Augmented reality glasses (Microsoft Hololens) are used to visualise virtual objects as well as a virtual arm. Finally, to capture the muscular EMG signals and movement of the arm a Myo armband is used. This will be placed under the patient’s elbow during rehabilitation. Finally, Blender is the program used to create the 3D model of the required objects. During the game-based application, the user will be able to manipulate objects with a virtual arm through its EMG signals. There are two main modes to manipulate objects: Non-Magic mode and Magic mode. Each of these modes contains two modes. Non-Magic mode is composed by Grab and Release mode and Twist Wrist mode. Magic mode consist of Grab and Release mode and Zoom in and out mode. There are three different types of muscle activation to control the game that are very similar to the activations patients use with their prosthesis. This project consists of different phases. The first thing done was to gather information about related work and make research on Phantom Limb Pain and Augmented Reality. Besides that, lectures from the Medical University, rehabilitation sessions and follow-up sessions of patients were attended, in order to better understand the problem. Workshop sessions to discuss how the prototype was going to be were then held. Afterwards, it was necessary to study and get familiar with the tools that were going to be used: Unity, Myo Armband, Hololens, and Blender. The first result was to have the basic functionality of the prototype working, in which the user was able to move a virtual reality arm through Myo and see it through the Hololens. After another workshop, in which was discussed how the game-based application will be, a prototype of it was developed. The evaluation of the prototype shows that an Augmented Reality game-based application is a good idea to increase engagement during rehabilitation but it would be necessary to improve some parts of the prototype. Furthermore, it is shown that Augmented Reality technology is in its early stages and its benefits cannot be fully enjoyed.