2025-03-10 12:59 |
Quality of life in hidradenitis suppurativa: An update
Chernyshov P.V. ; Finlay A.Y. ; Tomas-Aragones L. ; Poot F. ; Sampogna F. ; Marron S.E. ; Zemskov S.V. ; Abeni D. ; Tzellos T. ; Szepietowski J.C. ; Zouboulis C.C.
- [International journal of environmental research and public health 18, 11 (2021), 6131 [14 pp.]- ISSN: 1661-7827]
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2025-03-10 12:59 |
Quality of life in hidradenitis suppurativa: Validation of the hsqol-24
Marron S.E. ; Gomez-Barrera M. ; Tomas-Aragones L. ; Goni-Navarro A. ; Vilarrasa-Rull E. ; Diaz-Diaz R.M. ; Garcia-Latasa De Aranibar F.J. ; Campos-Rodenas R. ; Fuentelsaz-Del-barrio V. ; Gilaberte-Calzada Y. ; Gracia-Cazaña T. ; Morales-Callaghan A.M. ; Ros-Abarca S. ; Madrid-Alvarez M.B. ; Puig L.
- [Acta Dermato-Venereologica 101, 8 (2021), [5 pp.]- ISSN: 0001-5555]
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2025-03-10 12:59 |
The role of music performance anxiety in musical training: four personal histories
Casanova, Oscar ; Riaño, María Elena ; Zarza-Alzugaray, Francisco Javier ; Orejudo, Santos
- [Frontiers in Psychology 16 (2025), [13 pp.]- ISSN: 1664-1078]
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2025-02-27 09:41 |
Socio-emotional e-competencies, cyberaggression, and cybervictimisation in adolescents: differences according to sex and academic year
Cebollero-Salinas, Ana ; Orejudo, Santos ; Cano-Escoriaza, Jacobo
- [Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research 14, 5 (2025), 21 pp.- ISSN: 2254-7339]
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2025-02-27 09:41 |
To achieve a sense of rightness: The joint role of Not Just Right Experiences and Intolerance of Uncertainty in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Pascual-Vera, B. ; Belloch, A. ; Ghisi, M. ; Sica, C. ; Bottesi, G.
- [Journal of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders 29 (2021), 100627 [6 pp.]- ISSN: 2211-3649]
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2025-02-27 09:41 |
Efficacy of a Blended Low-Intensity Internet-Delivered Psychological Program in Patients With Multimorbidity in Primary Care: Randomized Controlled Trial
Monreal-Bartolomé, Alicia ; Castro, Adoración ; Pérez-Ara, M Ángeles ; Gili, Margalida ; Mayoral, Fermín ; Hurtado, María Magdalena ; Varela Moreno, Esperanza ; Botella, Cristina ; García-Palacios, Azucena ; Baños, Rosa M ; López-Del-Hoyo, Yolanda ; García-Campayo, Javier ; Montero-Marin, Jesus
- [Journal of Medical Internet Research 27, 24 pp. (2024), e56203- ISSN: 1438-8871]
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2025-02-21 10:13 |
Psychological repercussions of PM air pollution in human aging: a comprehensive review of urban and rural environments
Gallardo, Laura O. ; Aiger Vallés, Montserrat ; Cativiela-Campos, Blanca ; Domingo-Valero, Laura ; Barrasa, Ángel ; Alique, Matilde ; López-Granero, Caridad
- [Frontiers in Pharmacology 16 (2025), 18 pp.- ISSN: 1663-9812]
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2025-02-21 10:13 |
Hypericum perforatum L. prevents the acquisition of and promotes resilience against stress-induced reinstatement of the conditioned place preference induced by cocaine
Fugazzotto, F. ; Occhiuto, F. ; Garcia-Pardo, M.P. ; Aguilar, M.A.
- [NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 762 (2021), 136164 [5 pp.]- ISSN: 0304-3940]
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2025-02-14 14:07 |
Treating self-harm behaviors in prisons: implementation of the STEPPS program
Lorente-Català, Rosa ; Jaén, Irene ; Buscà-Huertas, Xavier ; Framis, Berta ; García-Palacios, Azucena
- [BMC Psychology 13 (2025), [12 p.]- ISSN: 2050-7283]
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2025-02-14 14:06 |
Implementation of the STEPPS program for the treatment of self-harm behaviors in Catalonia’s prisons: barriers and facilitators
Lorente-Català, Rosa ; Jaén, Irene ; Buscà-Huertas, Xavier ; Framis, Berta ; García-Palacios, Azucena
- [BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 25, 1 (2025), 378 [15 pp.]- ISSN: 1471-2458]
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