Resumen: Mathematics, often perceived as abstract and detached from everyday life, has deep historical roots intertwined with societal phenomena. This research investigates transformative endeavors to bridge mathematics with Indonesian cultural realities and perceptions. The study focuses on uncovering historical values and mathematical set concepts embedded within the Wura Bongi Monca dance. Employing a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods, data were collected through observations, literature reviews, and interviews with cultural experts and enthusiasts. The findings demonstrate that the Wura Bongi Monca dance embodies set concepts in its movements, reflecting local wisdom values. These values are not only perceived but also contemplated and applied in daily life, enriching community understanding of mathematics and introducing a cultural dimension to mathematics education in schools. This study introduces a novel perspective on integrating mathematics with local culture, proposing it as a transformative approach to enhance the symbiotic relationship between mathematics and culture.
Keywords: Ethnomathematics, Ethnography, Wura Bongi Monca Dance, Set Theory, Mathematics. Idioma: Inglés DOI: 10.48135/ije.v2i1.17-36 Año: 2023 Publicado en: Indonesian Journal of Ethnomathematics 2, 1 (2023), 17-36 ISSN: 2775-8001 Originalmente disponible en: Texto completo de la revista