
Las escuelas alternativas: el caso de "La Escuelita"

Domínguez Vela, Irene
Arraiz Pérez, Ana (dir.) ; Sabirón Sierra, Fernando (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FEDU, 2014
Ciencias de la Educación department, Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educ. area

Máster Universitario en Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida en contextos multiculturales

Free keyword(s): educación ; emancipación ; escuela alternativa ; valores ; estudio de caso etnográfico ; conciencia social
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: Throughout history, there have been paradigms and education patterns which have given education an emancipating vision. Nowadays, there are alternative pedagogical initiatives which support the development of this emancipating objective focusing on a respect to life processes, freedom and active learning from experience. Taking an ethnographic case as a starting point, deep research was done through active observation, interviews and analysis of documents at an alternative school in Zaragoza. The aim was to know and understand this reality and its meaning, focusing on social communicative education processes at that school. The results made it clear that there was a high social awareness and commitment which could be dealt with in further research. Therefore, this shows that these alternative pedagogical initiatives which create emancipating life and learning, taking respect, freedom and love as basic principles, may clearly be the pillars of human progress.

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