
Pedagocrip: dar la palabra al cuerpo. La experiencia encarnada para deconstruir lo normativo

Moya Santander, Laura
Bergua Amores, José Ángel (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, ECON, 2014
Psicología y Sociología department,

Máster Universitario en Sociología de las Políticas Públicas y Sociales

Free keyword(s): queer ; crip ; discapacidad ; diversidad funcional ; cuerpo normativo ; experiencia encarnada ; pedagogía corporal ; vulnerabilidad
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: What underlies to that is considered normal? Why some bodies are excluded of the social space? Where is the experience of these bodies? What can bring these embodied experiences? This Master's Thesis is a literature review of two major and novel theories whose central axis is the social construction of the body. Below, is shown, first, the "queer" theory with their input about the body regulated by their sexuality and identity, and subsequently, the theory "crip", with particular reference to the construction of organic and functional regulatory body . Both theories reveal the fiction of the rule that has tried to make invisible to the bodies that deviate from it, but which is destabilized by such bodies. These diverse bodies through their embodied experiences demonstrate the social construction of the norm and this dichotomous categories are generated and these experiences allow to know the human being in constantly fluctuating. It is precisely these openings, the plural and changing of the human, which are to be considered in education. Beyond the normalization constant pedagogical discourses, pedagogy embody arises, using subjectivity embodied experience to fathom the human being in its inherent vulnerability.

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