
Las inscripciones religiosas en lengua y escritura paleohispánica. Análisis de un comportamiento epigráfico

Tord Basterra, Gabriela de
Beltrán Lloris, Francisco (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2014
Ciencias de la Antigüedad department, Historia Antigua area

Máster Universitario en Ciencias de la Antigüedad

Free keyword(s): epigrafía ; inscripciones ; religión ; paleohispánica ; teónimos ; celtiberia ; lusitania ; iberos
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: The study of the religious inscriptions is very important if we want to learn more about the beliefs and religious customs of the people who lived in the Iberian Península. However, we don´t pretend to get new knowlegde about this religions using the inscriptions, but the study of the epigraphic habit for itself, that we think it has not been studied enought. This essay collects and analyzes the inscriptions in paleohispanic languages that we are able to consider religious, in order to understand in detail the phenomenon of the religious epigraphy in paleohispanic languages.

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