
Materia y utopía. El ser humano como posibilidad en Ernst Bloch

Pons Garcés, Sergio
Rodríguez García, José Luis (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2012
Filosofía department, Filosofía area

Máster Universitario en Estudios Filosóficos

Free keyword(s): ernst bloch ; utopía ; materia ; posibilidad ; función utópica ; utopia ; matter ; possibility ; utopian function
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: The aim of the essay is to rescue, from a critical perspective, the most relevant notions that shape Blochian´s thought and also to check the extent of his philosophy today. E. Bloch's philosophy is developed in a crossroads built on four representative figures of the history of philosophy: Aristotle, Hegel, Marx and Freud. The analysis of the "utopian function", understood as the human capacity to subvert the order of the real, is the heart of the work. Therefore, it is postulated as a philosophical tool capable of transfiguring and change the current status quo. Throughout the monograph, some major problems associated with the work of Bloch are stated. The fundamental issue deals with the difficult articulation between human utopian projections and the world understood as utopian topos, i.e. between the transforming capacity of utopian thought and the material limits imposed by given conditions. Solving this link between utopia and matter requires challenging the traditional notion of subjectivity.

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