Expresión Gráfica de la Ingeniería

Últimas incorporaciones:
Comparison of Heat Insulations for Cryogenic Tankers Using Analytical and Numerical Analysis Miralbes, R ; Valladares, D. - [Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2013 (2013), 421681 [17 pp]- ISSN: 1687-8132]
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An accurate quantification of the flow structure along the acoustic signal cycle in a forced two-phase jet Calvo Bernad, E. ; García Rodríguez, J.A. ; Santolaya Sáenz, J.L. ; Aísa Miguel, L.A. ; García Palacín, J.I. - [EPJ web of conferences 67 (2014), 02013 [8 pp]- ISSN: 2101-6275]
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Analysis of the Influence of Microcellular Injection Molding on the Environmental Impact of an Industrial Component Elduque, Daniel ; Clavería, Isabel ; Fernández, Ángel ; Javierre, Carlos ; Pina, Carmelo ; Santolaria, Jorge - [Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2014 (2014), 793269 [7 pp]- ISSN: 1687-8132]
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Study of the Behavior of a Bell-Shaped Colonic Self-Expandable NiTi Stent under Peristaltic Movements Puértolas, S. ; Bajador, E. ; Puértolas, J.A. ; López, E. ; Ibarz, E. ; Gracia, L. ; Herrera, A. - [BioMed Research International 2013 (2013), 370582 [10 pp]- ISSN: 2314-6133]
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