Tecnología de Alimentos

Últimas incorporaciones:
Assessing the microbiome of a poultry burger processing line: A combined approach using culturing techniques and metabarcoding Merino, Natalia ; Espina, Laura ; Pagán, Elisa ; Vlamakis, Hera ; Grasa, Laura ; Berdejo, Daniel ; Pagán, Rafael ; García–Gonzalo, Diego - [LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 217 (2025), 117392 [8 pp.]- ISSN: 0023-6438]
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Investigating technological processing supporting the assessment of novel proteins in food and feed risk assessment Martínez, Juan Manuel ; Gutiérrez, María ; Moreno, Beatriz ; Calvo, Miguel ; Fondevila, Manuel ; Belanche, Alejandro ; Raso, Javier ; Moreno, Javier ; Álvarez, Ignacio ; Cebrián, Guillermo - [EFSA supporting publications 21, 11 (2024), 126- ISSN: 2397-8325]
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Antibacterial activity and antioxidant capacity of dairy kefir beverages Aguirre-Ramírez, Diego ; Abad, Inés ; Pinilla, Emma ; Pérez, María D. ; Grasa, Laura ; Sánchez, Lourdes - [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY 78, 1 (2024), e13153 [12 pp.]- ISSN: 1364-727X]
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Buttermilk and Whey as Functional Foods to Ameliorate Clindamycin-Induced Changes in Mouse Intestine: Modulation of Intestinal Motility and Toll-like Receptors Expression Bellés, Andrea ; Abad, Inés ; Buey, Berta ; Vergara, Claudia ; Mesonero, Jose Emilio ; Sánchez, Lourdes ; Grasa, Laura - [JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL FOOD (2024), [7 pp.]- ISSN: 1096-620X]
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Inactivation of spoiling microorganisms in apple juice by a combination of essential oils' constituents and physical treatments Chueca, B. ; Ramírez, N. ; Arvizu-Medrano, S. ; García-Gonzalo, D. ; Pagán, R. - [FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 22, 5 (2016), 389-398- ISSN: 1082-0132]
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Identification of novel genes involved in high hydrostatic pressure resistance of Escherichia coli Gayán Ordás, Elisa ; Rutten, Nele ; Van Impe, Jan ; Michiels, Chris ; Aertsen, Abram - [FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 78 (2019), 171-178- ISSN: 0740-0020]
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Transcriptomic analysis of Escherichia coli MG1655 cells exposed to pulsed electric fields Chueca, B. ; Pagán, R. ; García-Gonzalo, D. - [INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 29 (2015), 78-86- ISSN: 1466-8564]
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Influence of general stress-response alternative sigma factors sS (RpoS) and sB (SigB) on bacterial tolerance to the essential oils from Origanum vulgare L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. and pulsed electric fields Gomes Neto, N. J. ; Magnani, M. ; Chueca, B. ; García-Gonzalo, D. ; Pagán, R. ; de Souza, E. L. - [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 211 (2015), 32-37- ISSN: 0168-1605]
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The Inno-Farming project: innovative urban farming applications for future urban farmers Pennisi, G. ; Guary, M. ; Maison, L. ; Oñate, P. ; Pagán, R. ; Remón, S. ; Ginesar, M. ; Appolloni, E. ; Orsini, F. - [Acta Horticulturae 1345 (2022), 53-56- ISSN: 0567-7572]
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Lethal and sublethal effects of essential oil-loaded zein nanocapsules on a zoonotic disease vector mosquito, and their non-target impact Sanchez-Gomez, Susana ; Pagan, Rafael ; Pavela, Roman ; Mazzara, Eugenia ; Spinozzi, Eleonora ; Marinelli, Oliviero ; Zeppa, Laura ; Morshedloo, Mohammad Reza ; Maggi, Filippo ; Canale, Angelo ; Benelli, Giovanni - [INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS 176 (2022), 114413 - [9 pp]- ISSN: 0926-6690]
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