Latency vs precision: Stability preserving perception scheduling

Aldana-López, Rodrigo (Universidad de Zaragoza) ; Aragüés, Rosario (Universidad de Zaragoza) ; Sagüés, Carlos (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Latency vs precision: Stability preserving perception scheduling
Resumen: In robotic systems, perception latency is a term that refers to the computing time measured from the data acquisition to the moment in which perception output is ready to be used to compute control commands. There is a compromise between perception latency, precision for the overall robotic system, and computational resource usage referred to here as the latency-precision trade-off. In this work, we analyze a robot model given by a linear system, a zero-order hold controller, and measurements taken by several perception mode possibilities with different noise levels. We show that the analysis of this system is reduced to studying an equivalent switching system. Our goal is to schedule perception modes such that stability is attained while optimizing a cost function that models the latency-precision trade-off. Our solution framework comprises three main tools: the construction of perception scheduling policy candidates, admissibility verification for policy candidates, and optimal strategies based on admissible policies.
Idioma: Inglés
DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2023.111123
Año: 2023
Publicado en: AUTOMATICA 155 (2023), 111123 [13 pp.]
ISSN: 0005-1098

Factor impacto JCR: 4.8 (2023)
Categ. JCR: ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC rank: 70 / 352 = 0.199 (2023) - Q1 - T1
Categ. JCR: AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS rank: 20 / 84 = 0.238 (2023) - Q1 - T1

Factor impacto CITESCORE: 10.7 - Control and Systems Engineering (Q1) - Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1)

Factor impacto SCIMAGO: 3.502 - Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1) - Control and Systems Engineering (Q1)

Financiación: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EUR/AEI/TED2021-130224B-I00
Financiación: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/ES/DGA/T45-23R
Financiación: info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/ES/MICINN-AEI-FEDER/PID2021-124137OB-I00
Tipo y forma: Article (Published version)
Área (Departamento): Área Ingen.Sistemas y Automát. (Dpto. Informát.Ingenie.Sistms.)
Exportado de SIDERAL (2024-07-31-09:44:09)

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